The Doctor of Pharmacy/Master of Business Administration dual degree program is designed to aid students who seek positions of management and leadership that require a combination of patient care and management skills.
How to Apply
Students interested in applying to the PharmD/MBA program should contact Alla Marks at If eligible, she will provide the direct application link.
Application Steps
Students interested in enrolling in the dual PharmD/MBA must be admitted and successfully complete one term in the PharmD program prior to submitting an application to the MBA program.- Students interested in applying to the dual degree PharmD/MBA program must be current, full-time students in good academic and professional standing in the Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy pursuing the PharmD degree with a grade point average of at least 3.0.
- Possession of an undergraduate degree from a regionally/nationally accredited college or university, preferably with a GPA of at least 3.0.
- The application deadline is March 1.
- Submission of a dual degree application which includes the following:
- Graduate Application for Admission for the MBA program. (GMAT/GRE not required)
- Two letters of reference : One will be written by the pharmacy faculty advisor for PharmD/MBA students; the other should be written by a faculty member or administrator from the School of Pharmacy or other college/university previously attended.
- A two-page double-spaced letter of intent discussing how the MBA will complement your PharmD and how it will enhance your pharmacy career goals.
- Curriculum vitae
- Potential interview with the School of Business MBA Admissions Committee.
- Completion of all required MBA foundation courses prior to starting core courses.